800 Roosevelt Rd, Bldg C- 312
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
P 708-236-3411
F 708-449-0837


NFCA Committees



Accreditation Committee

The Accreditation Committee reviews and evaluates the NFCA Contractor Accreditation Program (CAP) and the UL Qualified SFRM Contractor Program, and updates as necessary.


Paul Steele pauls@raymondgroup.com
Carl Fernald carl.fernald@rollingplains.com
Steve Winston accfireproofing@aol.com



Canada Committee

The Canada Committee works on many facets of fireproofing in Canada. The ULC-S-101 Standard and National Building Code of Canada are both unique to Canada.


Nikita Gordon nikita@gunnlaugson.com
Don Armand darmand@donalcowestern.com
Arturs Gavrilovs a.gavrilovs@adlerservices.ca
Lane Cooper lcoop@ener-spray.ca
Don Falconer don@falconerengineering.com
Jeff Lenehan jeff.lenehan@jilec.ca
Dwaine MacDonald dwaine@trinityenergygroup.ca



Manufacturer Supplier Committee

The goals of the NFCA Manufacturer Committee are to work together to improve fire and life safety, working through Codes and Standards, Education and other initiatives.


Carl Fernald carl.fernald@rollingplains.com
Vice Chair:  
John Dalton john.a.dalton@gcpat.com
Code Liaison:  
Paul Steele pauls@raymondgroup.com
Kevin Twyford ktwyford@carboline.com
Jim Turner jturner@flameoff.com
Dan Ehehalt dehehalt@isolatek.com
Gordon Walker gordon.walker@jotun.com
Richard Mann rimann@ppg.com
Max Tritremmel max.tritremmel@sherwin.com



Membership Committee

More info coming soon!


Adam Carter acarter@superior-insulation.com


Program Committee

The Program Committee identifies relevant topics and speakers to deliver educational content to the industry via the NFCA Annual Fireproofing Conference, seminars and webinars.


Nikita Gordon nikita@gunnlaugson.com
Vice Chair:  
Paul Steele pauls@raymondgroup.com
Scott Beasley scott@cipaint.com
Joe Colavita joec@martinbros.net
Quentin Doutt quentin.doutt@safefireproofing.com
Carl Fernald carl.fernald@rollingplains.com
George Fine gfine@truefireproofing.com
Mathew Stephenson mathew.stephenson@rollingplains.com
Chuck Jahant cjahant@alphaiwp.com
Chris Valvo chris@nevellgroup.com



Safety Committee

The NFCA Safety Committee works to identify needs of contractors and to develop and implement solutions to those needs in the area of safety, such as the NFCA Fireproofing Safety Information.


Neal Rivers neal.rivers@easleyandrivers.com
Vice Chair:  
Steve Winston accfireproofing@aol.com
Ed Hanley edward.hanley@raymondgroup.com
Jaidyn Meyers jaidyn.meyers@rollingplains.com
John Taglienti jvtaglienti@eastcoastfp.com



Technical Codes & Standards Committee

NFCA's activity at NFPA, ICC Code Development Processes, ASTM and UL's Standards Technical Panels takes place at this committee.


Paul Steele pauls@raymondgroup.com
Don Armand darmand@donalcowestern.com
Linda Frost linda@schmittcontracting.com
Daniella Lopez dlopez@nevellgroup.com



Technical Education Committee

This committee maintains and develops chapters of the NFCA Handbook of Accepted Fireproofing Knowledge. They work on the development of educational programs for specific employee groups working in the industry, in addition to the education for the NFCA SFRM and IFRM Fireproofing Exams leading to the NFCA Accredited Contractor Program and the UL Qualified SFRM Contractor Program.


Carl Fernald carl.fernald@rollingplains.com
Mathew Stephenson mathew.stephenson@rollingplains.com
George Fine gfine@truefireproofing.com
Daniella Lopez dlopez@nevellgroup.com
Matt Strieter mattstrieter@southerninsulation.com
Steve Winston accfireproofing.com


Project Management Task Force

A Project Management Task Force was recently created (July 2022) to create a new chapter in the Handbook of Accepted Fireproofing Knowledge and to discuss a new educational course.  Details will be available soon.


Carl Fernald carl.fernald@rollingplains.com
Daniella Lopez dlopez@nevellgroup.com
Mathew Stephenson mathew.stephenson@rollingplains.com
Matt Strieter mattstrieter@southerninsulation.com




Get involved.


Contact NFCA for information on how to join a committee.