NFCA Contractor Accreditation Program (CAP)
Set your business apart from the rest and become a NFCA Accredited Contractor!
The NFCA Contractor Accreditation Program (CAP) was created by NFCA to provide a means for contractors to improve the quality and accuracy of installed Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) and Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials (IFRM).
NFCA SFRM Accredited Contractors
NFCA IFRM Accredited Contractors
The key components of this NFCA CAP program are:
- Contractor Qualification
- Designated Education
- Individual Examination
- Program Fees and License Agreement
- Continuous Contractor Education
- NFCA Seal of Accreditation
Contractor Qualification
Contractor must have at least two years of experience installing products, must have completed installation of at least 20 projects, must have documentation stating that the contractor has received product training by a product supplier, and has been installing that supplier’s product for at least two years.
NFCA Fireproofing Education
Attend the NFCA Fireproofing Education for the NFCA SFRM or IFRM Contractor Accreditation Program. The NFCA Fireproofing Education Program covers:
- Fire-Test Standards
- Tested and Listed Systems Designs from UL or other Directorys
- Code Requirements
- Beam Substitution Procedures
- Thickness Adjustment Procedures
- Priming Requirements
- UL Guide Information
- Inspection
- NFCA Applications and Quality Control Standards
- ASTM Standards relevant to the industry
Individual Examination
Pass an extensive examination conducted by NFCA to confirm the fireproofing contractor’s representative has become skilled with all the subject matter of the NFCA Fireproofing Education. Upon receiving a minimum passing score of 80%, the tested individual will become the fireproofing contractor’s Designated Responsible Individual (DRI). The fireproofing contactor must have paid all associated Program Fees and signed the NFCA License Agreement. Passing the NFCA SFRM Fireproofing Exam is also the first step to becoming a UL DRI.
Program Fees and License Agreement
Member Cost to attend a training session is $600 per training for IFRM and for SFRM, per person. Members with two or more participants receive a discount. Non-member prices are available.
After successful completion of training, NFCA will prepare the License Agreement and invoice for the initial license fee of $500 per accreditation or $750 for both.
The annual CAP License Fee of $200 for one accreditation, or $250 for both SFRM and IFRM, is invoiced in May and due June 1st each year.
Continuous Contractor Education
The accredited contractor’s DRI must obtain ten (10) hours of continuing education a year, or a total of 30 hours of continuting education over three years. One hour equals one CEU. The education must be related to the industry, and a certificate of attendance or completion must be provided to the NFCA as verification that the contractor has fulfilled its annual training requirements.
NFCA Seal of Accreditation
Once the contractor meets all of the requirements of the NFCA accreditation program, they will receive either an SFRM or IFRM seal to confirm that they are in compliance with the CAP and a knowledgeable fireproofing contractor.
A specific trademarked seal is available to those contractors meeting the program requirements. The seal, displayed below, will include the contractor's company name and specific location, for the contractor's use.
NFCA SFRM Accredited Contractors
NFCA IFRM Accredited Contractors
Further details of the program and its operation are available in the following document “NFCA Contractor Accreditation Program For Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRM) and Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials (IFRM)”
NFCA Fireproofing Education for NFCA's Fireproofing Exams - the first step to becoming a NFCA Accredited Contractor DRI or UL DRI - is held annually in conjunction with NFCA's Fireproofing Educational Conference & Annual Meeting. Visit NFCA's Events Page for opportunities to attend NFCA's Fireproofing Education for SFRM & IFRM and exams.
Set your business apart from the rest and become a NFCA Accredited Contractor. Contact NFCA for further information.