800 Roosevelt Rd, Bldg C- 312
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
P 708-236-3411
F 708-449-0837


NFCA Handbook of Accepted Fireproofing Knowledge (HAFK)


NFCA's Handbook of Fireproofing Knowledge, written by Fireproofing Industry Experts, is the industry's resource for fireproofing knowlege. 

Fireproofing Contractor and Inspection Agency personnel - purchase this NFCA HAFK for industry knowledge.  Prepare for the NFCA SFRM and or IFRM Fireproofing Exams using this handbook and the NFCA Education class before the exam. Want to take the Fireproofing Exams?  Mark your calendars now and watch NFCA's Events Page


Code Official and Fire Marshals, (AHJ's), Specifiers and Architects with Design Firms, Governmental organizations, NFCA Provides a FREE PDF of the NFCA HAFK as a service to the industry.  CLICK HERE FOR NFCA's HAFK ORDER FORM